Your four minute
interior designer.
Your four minute interior designer.
Your four minute interior designer.
A first-of-its-kind AI platform for one-of-a-kind interior design.
A first-of-its-kind AI platform for
one-of-a-kind interior design.
Get early access
Get early access
Room type:
Dining Room
Design Style:
Ember Zen
Room type:
Living Room
Design Style:
Analog Madre
Room type:
Design Style:
Swank Zen
Room type:
Living Room
Design Style:
Woven Ember
Room type:
Dining Room
Design Style:
Pacific Woven
Room type:
Dining Room
Design Style:
Ember Zen
Room type:
Living Room
Design Style:
Analog Madre
Room type:
Design Style:
Swank Zen
Room type:
Living Room
Design Style:
Woven Ember
Room type:
Dining Room
Design Style:
Pacific Woven

Watch the promo

Watch the promo
AI design without
text prompting
Design visually and blend styles
to create your own.
AI design without
text prompting
Design visually and blend styles
to create your own.
trained AI design
Beautiful interiors, trained
by professional designers
trained AI design
Beautiful interiors, trained
by professional designers
Shop designs
Design visually and blend
styles to create your own.
Shop designs
Design visually and blend
styles to create your own.
professional help
Design your room, then schedule
a quick video call to get the help
you need.
professional help
Design your room, then schedule a quick
video call to get the help you need.
Custom AI, trained by interior by interior designers in sunny Southern California.
Custom AI, trained by interior by interior designers in sunny Southern California.
Custom AI, trained by interior by interior designers in sunny Southern California.

The Madespace App in a nutshell:
Take your
ugly room.

The Madespace App in a nutshell:
Take your ugly room.

The Madespace App in a nutshell:
Take your
ugly room.

Design should be fun, and AI is the new LSD. Settle into the couch and get weird.
Design should be fun, and AI is the new LSD. Settle into the couch and get weird.
Kele Dobrinski & Christina Valencia
Founders, Madespace
Kele Dobrinski & Christina Valencia
Founders, Madespace